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Old Apr 19, 2009, 10:47 PM
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roxyanne1 roxyanne1 is offline
Member Since: Mar 2009
Location: Australia
Posts: 162
Hi Michah,
Do you have bpd as shoplifting is one of the symptoms. I have exactly the same problem & find myself staying away from the shops so i dont sucumb.
But if im in a shop and the intense compulsion comes to act i do.
I've been caught 4 times and once convicted, but my doctor (psych)
helped me out with a letter stating my mental condition. Do tell your dr as
one day you might need his help one day. But dont beat yourself up...This drags you down & with me i have a battle in my head & resolve to never do it again, but wouldnt you know it...again comes around again.
You are not bad just like me need some tell your dr and i hope you have some success. I can go for a long while without doing it but the chance always comes back . But i think the longer i go without doing it
each time the better.
If you would like to contact me please send me a private message...if you know how...i don't

Thanks for this!
blacksheep XX