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Exclamation Apr 30, 2009 at 11:21 PM
I"m starting to get very concerned

I have always been irregular, but as I've gotten older it's gotten worse and now I am starting to have painful cramps and backaches and pressure on my abdomen and ovary area when I start.

Now I am menstrating, but not at a constant rate or like one should, it's only when I wipe will the blood flow out and I get odd fluid along with it, or when I get "aroused" it will flow, other than that it isn't flowing like it should and I am extremly fatigued and aching along my pelvis and legs, all I"ve been doing is sleeping and I will wake up tired, and my pelvis aches. aslo I forgot to add I will spot at night, or when I urinate but once again not flowing like it should.

I am really scared and worried, has anyone had similar experinces? Should I be as concerned as I am? I have a dr.appt for next week, I just needed to talk to someone about it..
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