This is the second time I have had my hair colored in less than a week. First time I ended up looking like frosty locks! Second time I am only 65% satisfied with the hair color.
I am feeling very dejected and sad because of this and don't know what to do with my mixed feelings of anger and sadness.
I don't have much going for me. I have only ever been told that I am cute never attractive or pretty. I am over weight because my meds have slowed down my metabolism. Yes, I could exercise...etc like I have done in the past...but all that happens is that my muscles get stronger and I feel healthier.....but the fat still remains.
So when my hair looks odd or awful I tend to get very upset, sad, and dejected.
I know that there is more to life than having beautiful hair cuts/colors and that ppl are dying of horrible diseases...etc.
I am just feeling very lonely and hopeless.
How do I change my thinking so I don't focus so much on the state of my hair and feel more happy or at least content?