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Default Jun 11, 2009 at 09:41 PM
hangingon, I'm so sorry for your horrible experience! Wow, I am ANGRY at your T right now!

From everything I have read, it is an important part of the therapeutic process to have the same day, same time appointment - consistency is a must! Check out this article from PsychCentral and the New York Times - the #1 most annoying bad habit of a therapist is showing up late. The article doesn't even list canceling appointments last-minute, because it's ridiculous and unprofessional!

And also, my T told me that she's going to be gone for 3 weeks in August and that she would of course leave me the name of someone to contact in case I wanted it. I can't believe your T said she can't give you the name of someone who wouldn't cancel like she has. Unacceptable!

Please take care of yourself, first and foremost, and know that none of this is your fault!
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