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Default Jun 15, 2009 at 09:43 AM
I have had heaps of therapy.

20 years of trial and error with meds.

Self help.

CBT. (small amount)

Proberly other things too just cant remember, however I found the best was them four.

Therapy combined with meds is in my head fantastic, however it is really hard to get the right combination, dont let that put you off though as it was not all bad over the twenty years as many times meds DID work then for some reason stopped.

Self help is a big one to use, talk yourself out of bad situations or walk away (even if you look odd, walking away is better than how you would look if you stayed and lost it ) I was once talking to the head teacher about my son she said some really stupid things and I nearly lost it however I totaly ignored her and turned my back and walked off ! She must of thought I was totaly mad ! But imagine if I had stayed and punched her in the face ? Son would proberly had to move schools, and the police would of been called. As it is she thinks I am totaly odd, which I am so who cares.

Forcing yourself to do things ie shower get dressed, small things at first and then building on over a long period of time, remember baby steps.

It really is trial and error on most things, but I have done wonders with myself I am proud of the way I have come on, but it is not easy least not for me I found it hard work.

Remember the golden rule........ baby steps.

Taking things really slow and carefully never taking on somthing that is a large project like getting a job moving and going on holiday all in the same week

Drifting now so will stop lol hugs and good luck on your journey !
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