Daniel Fisher, Patricia Deegan, Rufus May, Frederick Freese: These are all names of psychiatrists or psychologists who were once diagnosed with schizophrenia
previous to becoming doctors. Two of them have made complete recoveries, two of them still struggle at times with symptoms but all of them continue to practice.
As a result of having achieved what they have in spite of their illness/experience, they serve as mentors to other people who are also trying to recover, as well as those people who also want to become professionals.
Consider also that its not always necessary to be a professional in the field to be able to help people. In some ways, being a professional can tie your hands. I've chosen to
not go into the field because I would not want to place myself in a position where I was forced to act against my own instincts and convictions; this would likely become a necessity if I was financially dependent upon an employer and that would make my job sheer hell.
My choice was to work in a field completely unrelated to mental health but to offer support and advocacy as a peer, primarily within the online environment. I would not be able to make some of the recommendations I do or even say some of the things I say if I carried a professional label. I have more freedom to act and speak as a peer/advocate.