Originally Posted by jangeewhoa
My therapist recommended the book, Driven to Distraction which I'm going to get.
Has anyone read it?
The only problem I have with CHADD (which my psych dr recommended) is there is a fee to join per year. Same Dr recommended Driven to Distraction.
The books my ADHD Life Coach recommended are:
More Attention, Less Deficit - Success Strategies for Adults with ADHD by Dr. Ari Tuckman (He is having a free discussion on the 29th at addclasses.com)
Is It You, Me, or Adult ADD? (there is more to this title) by Gina Pera
I am getting the first for me, the second for my husband (who is adrift on a sea of estrogen in an ADHD ship as me and both our daughters are ADHD). I'll let you know how those are.
Some sites (mainly for women) that I have found that are good are:
womenwithadd.com (Or ADHD, can't remember right now)
These are run by life coaches who specialize in ADHD.
ADDitude.com - this is a magazine and forum, though the site is not very ADHD friendly with the ads, but it is the price of doing business like that.
Hope this helps!
I am not a medical or mental health professional, nor do I play one on TV, I just talk kinda like one!
Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light!
They say I have A.D.D. but I think they are full off... Oh look! A CHICKEN!
Be careful how you look at the world, it may look back!
How do you want to be seen?