Thread: Cyst?
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Old Oct 11, 2009, 12:22 AM
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salukigirl salukigirl is offline
Member Since: Oct 2007
Location: Fayetteville, AR
Posts: 2,798
The other day I noticed what seems like a cyst on the inside of my bottom lip. And when I say inside I don't mean on the layer of skin inside my mouth....I mean INSIDE my lip. Like I can feel it when I press on my bottom lip and it is rock solid.

Normally I wouldn't worry about things like this but I have been a smoker for about 8 years. I have already started to get those white spots on my gums and my dentist told me it's nothing to worry about, it's just like a callus from smoking, didn't say anything about it possibly being cancerous and they always went away after a few days.

But this thing is about 1 mm in diameter IN my lip and doesn't move when I push on it. Feels like it's on the tissue inside of my lip. Does this sound like something I need to have checked out or am I just overreacting?