Hi, Zac. When I read your magnificent tome - I mean post
- I thought that the environment that you grew up in - not just your dad but the reactions of the whole family, probably don't help you in dealing with your current problems. I'm VERY glad that you and your father are getting along better and that he took the wake up call seriously. Still, the lessons you learn about yourself from him and your family earlier are going to take some working out.
You are a very strong person do do what you have done, not just with your father but also completing that program. An IB after all of that!
Spectacular, young man! You must have a real drive there! Just make sure it doesn't lead you to be unrealsitic with yourself. HUGGGGGGSSSSS Zac. I can't heal the end of first love, but I can assure you life does chugg along and you are still a person of worth!