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Member Since Nov 2009
Location: South Australia
Posts: 167
Default Jan 08, 2010 at 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by lou99pop View Post
BPD .... is an illness or not? I'm confusing by everyone's statement that BPD is part of mental illness while others isn't. Could you put my mind at ease asap?
In australia at least BPD is not considered and offical mental illness as yet......It would be a mental illness in my oppinion as but there is less chemical involved and more social upbrining that causes it rather than just an chemical imbalance from what I read and what my last T and new T have tole me.

You more likly to have BPD when you've been a victom of a negative role models, or victimized by main caregivers ect. BPD is more to do with the way you really are as a person rather than a chemical imbalance changeing your personailtyu hench why its called a personailty disorder.
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Thanks for this!
gopycrad, lou99pop, lovelylovely