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Member Since Nov 2009
Location: South Australia
Posts: 167
Default Jan 09, 2010 at 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by ECHOES View Post
Think of meds as something to take for symptoms, maybe. With BPD we have intense anxiety and/or depression and there are meds for that. For the causes, there is therapy.
To me, BPD is like a stunted development. We do reach adulthood, but we haven't developed fully. We have immature spots in our development that affect our perceptions which in turn affect how we deal with things like being alone, being in a relationship, speaking up for ourselves, so many things. We can feel hopelessness and anger intensely and easily and that can lead to depression and anxiety.
Anyway, as far as meds go, if they are suggested and are helping, then that's good.
If you are not sure about the role of meds in your treatment, I really encourage you to talk to those who provide your care.

Exactly and thats why started to compleatly disagree with the BPD diagnosies. because for me on I never had intence anger or hoplessness, the mood swing I did have were controled by adressing my OCD issues with the situation or thoughts i was dealing. My last t said BPD need intence group therapy and can take 10y to over some min as it not a chemical imblance causing the negaitve thoughts its the way you were rasied the beleifes that you have in side you the foundations of beleifs I call them from where you really base all you other choices on. Where as me I never wanted to listen to my OCD thoughts I wanted to so badly ignore them and do what I wanted that once the med's had eased the OCD thinking I was able to do what I was alway trying to do in the first place.
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