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Default Jan 23, 2010 at 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by lou99pop View Post
Is it possible to diagnose both BPD and Bipolar Disorder at the same time? (I was diagnosed at both different times)
I am in a similar situation I was diagnosed Bipolar II,Recurrent Depressive Illness, Anxiety and Social Phobia by my old Psych....However my new Psych is now looking at a dx of BPD...And according to him my dx could change from Bipolar to BPD or it could be both (I'm in the UK so if you're in USA they might work differently I don't know) So I'm confused too...He's keeping me under observation and I'm in the process of waiting to start some therapy so we'll see how it goes...If I get a change in dx or anything I'll let you know....


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