They say that Schizotypals are weird or eccentric so I was wondering how this comes across with you?
For me there are a few obvious things. I always wear the same colour (black) and very rarely take my sunglasses off even at night. I wear several necklaces at any one time (at the minute there are six) all charms and amulets doing various things. I often and am currently wearing a copper torc with runes inscribed in it. I do eccentric things such as buying something for myself, something I really want and then giving it away two weeks later. I do this especially if it is expensive. I am obsessed with a few things including an avid interest in the occult and magic. This comes across in my choice of books and topics of conversation. I have an odd tendency to say the wrong thing or just things that don't tally correctly. Hm I know there are other things but unfortunately I can't think of any more right now.