So he had been plotting the whole time to call me an abuser so I'd get triggered and leave? Well that's nice isn't it. Like I've said before nobody ever wants me around anyway, my mother didn't want me, my father didn't want me, my abuser didn't want me, my grandfather didn't want me, my auntie didn't want me, my friends didn't want me, I'm not shocked by any of this surprisingly, I'm just a whiny unwelcome 22 year old who probably did the right thing by deciding not to talk to people anymore because I've them all some good. Good riddance to bad rubbish hey.
I understand you think it's nicer here because the moderators are watching everything, except the first forum I had to leave was BECAUSE of a moderator. So I don't exactly feel at ease here, that's why I refuse to talk about my abuse on here, it will only happen again, someone will get angry at me again. I don't feel welcome here or anywhere else, if the fact I live all alone and never have visitors is anything to go by. I doubt I'll last any longer on this forum than I have on any other.