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PC PoohBah!
Default Apr 10, 2010 at 05:35 PM
Hi shinzy,

I am female and I was dx at 36. It took 2 years with my new T to formally put a name to it. In the past I have been dx with Borderline personality disorder, schizoaffective, GAD, Major Depressive disorder, Bipolar II(rapid cycling) PTSD and traits of: NPD and Anti-social PD.

As it stands now, Aspergers, PTSD and traits of BPD.......all other dx have been removed.

Your T may not be able to dx you as an adult because the DSM criteria for AS is based on dx children, predominantly young boys. My T took the criteria and applied it with a process of elimination of sorts. Her first clue and what sent alarm bells ringing for her consisted of 3 things......the amount of different things I had been dx with and the inconsistencies of those dx, some core difficulties that had not been addressed in the past and my "thinking process" among other things, and there is AS and LFA in my family on my fathers side.

I am also being tested for ADHD(inattentive type) soon, psychometrically.

Is it possible to seek a second opinion?

I have never heard of people not being able to be dx as an adult. Just the I get older, and it seems that way for some mature aged people I have talked to, holding the pretense of "normality" becomes more and more difficult to uphold and big burnout ensues. We old-timers seem to get "more" autistic as we get older. That is not the case, it just means its too tiring to try to behave "normally" and so AS/autistic traits are more evident.

Take good care........and try and find someone who will help get this sorted for you.

In stillness,


For all things Light and Dark.......

The only Truth that exists.....
.........Is that there is no absolute Truth.
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Thanks for this!