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Member Since Apr 2010
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Default Apr 29, 2010 at 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by AlexisMarie1961 View Post
Hi Everyone,

I was glad to find a forum for "dependent personality disorder's"... I've been on my own for over 20 years, but b/c of chronic pain and depression, I lost everything including my nursing career, friends, fiancee and my home, etc... I had to move back home with my mom & s-dad. This is a very toxic environment for me to be in and all of my doctors/specialists/counselor's...have told me that I "must move away from the dysfunction that I'm living with. In addition, I've fallen into the caretaker roll with my mom and s-dad, and I'm not up to the task physically or emotionally! I must move...yet I have so much guilt when I think of leaving them now that they are older and not in good health. But, my own health is failing fast and I can't get Medical Assistance unless I move out and into my own place, b/c the County I live in, includes my mom and s-dad's income as my own! I need a lot of support to let go of these guilt feelings. My mom and s-dad do not feel guilty at all about my health issues and have no mercy when I'm in such horrible pain... As long as I'm here they have someone to help with (or totally do) the cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, errands, etc... I am in therapy and am on SSDI disability, so my income is shameful! I don't know what to do. I know I'm an excellent codependent which stems from being raised in a very violent/alcoholic/dysfunctional atmosphere. I do attend al-anon and ACOA meetings (pain permitting). Any support, suggestions, friendships, etc... would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks so much,
Kathy K.
This is a tough spot to be in. I wish I had something helpful to suggest but I don't.

The logical thing to do would be to move, but when logic comes against emotion, it rarely wins... This truly is a matter dealing with emotional investment. It might help to figure out a compromise with living by yourself, and setting up a regular schedule for you to do minimal help for your mom and s-dad. They might not be satisfied, but people adjust...

You need to be able to move and be comfortable, so if you have to cut back on the cleaning and care taking, then maybe have a serious talk with your folks. I know it's hard, but there could be an empathy based way of stating your needs, while addressing their own, along with what other means you can try and think up to help them too. Maybe if they were included in the brainstorming, they might feel more in control of their own lives, and able to meet you half way. Maybe not, but it might be worth a try...
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