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Member Since Jan 2010
Location: Kentucky
Posts: 30
Default Jun 03, 2010 at 10:37 AM
Thanks I do feel better knowing this is not an abnormal thing for straight men to do. I would like to share a little more information now so you can all assure me that he is still not gay. As far as him experimenting of being too embarrassed to ask me, that is not the case. I believe that anything goes in the bedroom as long as it does not include other people! I have stimulated him **** before. I have no problem with that.
We had sex many times where I would ask him to do me via the rear entrance and he was never interested. Then he became close friends with a man and for a few months he and I stopped having sex all together, then all of a sudden after that friendship ended he wanted to have sex with me again. For the first time in our relationship he wanted to have **** sex with me, I didn’t even ask this time. I did it, enjoyed it, and had no problem with it!
Prior to this he had always been homophobic. I was concerned at his sudden change of desires and asked him why all of a sudden he wanted to do it that way. His response was,” why does it matter, you use to want to do it that way, but if you don’t like it we won’t.” I believe in open honest communication so I asked him straight out if him and his ex-friend had been “partners.” Rather than getting mad as I had expected he laughed, and said no. I left it at that.
Time passed and we did continue to have **** sex. One night I decided I wanted to see his reaction to me stimulating him that way. According to him he had never been stimulated that way before so I expected him to be a little unsure about it the first time. I was again surprised by his reaction. He was not at all uncomfortable and enjoyed it very much.
We had sex in that way many times. I have several “toys” and we have both used them in play together. I have only one toy that looks like a penis. He had used it on me but never himself. All of a sudden he stops having sex with me. We had gone about 3 weeks with no intercourse of any kind. Not because I didn’t want it! I came home one night when he was not expecting me and that was when I caught him pleasuring himself with the toy that looks like a penis.
First of all, why did he stop having sex with me? Second, of all the choices of toys that I have, why did he choose the one that looks like a penis? Does that mean something or am I just reading too much into things?
I have no problem with homosexuality; I do not however want to be in a relationship with a gay man. I do not see a future there. If he was not with me then his sexual preference would be none of my business. As long as he is with me I feel I have a right to know!
Any advice???
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