I paid out of pocket origianlly. I only had a pdoc and medication so it wasn't bad. Initial visit was $250, follow-ups were $90. Medication was around $70 a month. I had a job though so it was affordable. Then my insurance finally kicked in and I had a copay of $20 for my pdoc visits and $10 for my medication. Then I was laid off and lost my insurace 2 months later, so for the past year I have been back to paying out of pocket. So, I'm $90 a month for my pdoc and then $140 a month for my medication (he upped my dose to 2x a day so I have to pay for twice as many pills now). I had a job for a while so it was manageable. But, it was only a temporary job, and has since ended so now I am struggling to afford it. I've applied to unemployment but that will bascially just cover rent. I need a job.
I refuse to go off my meds....I'm psychotic without them.