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Default Aug 06, 2010 at 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by UCLAFan View Post
yes it is really bugging me.because it keeps happening to me over and over again.
Being an epileptic myself I know how it feels. At times I'm treated like I can't understand english or am deaf with people almost shouting into my face. I've also had people put their hand on my shoulders to make sure I am looking directly at them. I used to have a lot of absence siezures that only lasted for 30 seconds or less and I was accused of being a daydreamer
or of not listening to people...I got tired of telling people I was epileptic and just let them do their thing...made em look rather stupid and I got a few giggles out of it.

Hadn't had a seizure for over 8 months until yesterday...but I forgot meds 2 days running so something was going to happen at some time...


Peace, the deep imperturbable peace is right there within you, quieten the mind and slow the heart and breathe...breathe in the perfume of the peace rose and allow it to spread throughout your mind body and can only benefit you and those you care about...I care about you
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