I added a trigger icon just because some might find it too explicit - but to me it's just medical.
Congratulations on meeting this lady. The first bit of advice I want to give you is, don't get worked up about it. Anxiety is the biggest enemy with this issue. You may even want to confide in your partner since she can help you with a few tricks. The first poster is correct, you could masturbate before you meet up with her.
There's another exercise and this focuses on 'delaying ejaculation' by using the squeeze method. I'll give you a website later. You can practice this technique when you're by yourself also -every time you feel it coming you stop and squeeze. A woman wouldn't mind if you do this for a few seconds during sex. You could also try a 'penis ring'.
Another thing you can do are 'Kegal Exercises' - yes there are kegals for men and not just woman lol. You might be wondering "well how do I do that"? When you're going pee, stop the flow of urine - 'this' is the muscle you want to strengthen. Of course you don't do this while going pee - I'm just identifying the muscle action. Do these squeeze exercises(set of 12, increasing) several times a day whenever you want - the nice thing with this exercise is, you can do it anywhere and no one would know lol. If you do it when you're erect, it will move up and down. This exercise will help you have better control.
Most of all you want to go easy on yourself. If it happens it's no big deal -don't get discouraged. It would even be a good idea to engage in many acts of foreplay, that way if it does end up being short, she won't even be concerned. While in the act try not to think about it - if you think too much it will happen. If you feel it coming stop moving and use the squeeze method, wait a few seconds...then start up again. Practice this at home by yourself and your partner can also practice it with you when she's touching you. If you have a nice woman, she will be understanding and this will make you feel relaxed. Best of luck to both of you.
*I know your situation isn't exactly considered PE but this site has good information: