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Member Since Jul 2010
Posts: 50
Smile Aug 12, 2010 at 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by littlelindsay View Post
Does anyone have this? I have had depression for somewhere over 8 years but in the past year I have developed men in my head who control me and who I can hear laughing sometimes. What symptoms do you have if you have psychotic depression? Could I have it? I understand that only a professional can diagnose, and I am going to bring it up with my psychiatrist, I just don't want to suggest that I might have this if I am totally wrong and it is other symptoms that make up the disorder. Thanks.
I had never heard it called that before, deppresion with physcotic features. But it was very long ago when I started with my problems, Im sure they have a term for everything now, But I can relate. I was diagnosed with deppression two years, before I started seeing shadow people, and hearing voices,Dont know if its because of the depression. back then they just called me skitzofrenic, and deppressed, but that was like over 20 yrs ago for me.I still see and hear voices, and get deppressed from time to time. But Ive learned to ignore it. I choose to Not let it bother me. I realize its not real. Whatever they call it, Or tell you what it is,let me know, because im probly the same as you, For some reason deppression carrys us there, dont know why.You will probly get new meds, but until they work, If they do, I had a councelor tell me once, to ignore and not listen, Its not easy now, It takes time but I think you will be O.K. once you discuss it with your doctor or therapist. And learn not to listen to the voices.And the laughter, I also heard Laughter, Good luck.
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