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Member Since Apr 2010
Location: I come from a land downunder
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Default Sep 02, 2010 at 07:51 PM
The other day, a friend invited me to go for a drive. I went along, and I decided to make the brave decision of inviting my cousin along, as since my breakdown six months ago, I have avoided a lot of my relatives, and the only one I've seen is my mother.
Well we had a good day, and then some photos got put up on Facebook. Then a few hours later I get a message from my grandparents that they had seen my pictures. This got me really worked up, I was pretty livid about it as I have got in this state of mind I have realised, where I want to 'run away'. I don't want a lot of people (especially most of my family) to know what I've been up to, where I've been, whether or not I've got a job, etc..
There are a lot of reasons for it, and I'll just be making a huge thread if I explain the whole thing. But to try and put it basically, my family has been a cause to a lot of grief, all the drugs, alcohol and abuse, and their lack of concern when someone really needs a bit of help. It usually has to get to a disastrous point before anyone is willing to do anything.
Everything that has ever happened to me, especially the feeling of being unwanted, rejected and nobody having any major concern for me finally hit the fan.
Ever since I was about 10 years old I've always had a lot of nightmares, and I've also had a lot of themed dreams, and the most common one I've always had is about running away, and the feeling from these dreams has always been overwhelming, like this huge sense of relief, especially the dreams where I am running through drains or tunnels or corridors. I could live in these dreams.
Well... the other day, a thought came through my head. I realised if I ended my savings account my mother made for me when I was little, I could take out all the money that is in there (about $10,000 is left), then I COULD vanish. I could move overseas and stay with someone I know (one person in particular I know would definitely let me stay with them). I wouldn't leave without telling anyone, and this is not something I have the courage to do, but the feeling of it is starting to overwhelm me, I wish I had the guts to do it. But I can't give up the home that I live in, I'm too attached to it. And I know it wouldn't go how I envision.

Anyway, I just needed to share this with someone, I haven't really told anyone before that I'd like to 'run away'.
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