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Nupoet64's Avatar
Member Since Jul 2010
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Default Sep 23, 2010 at 10:56 AM
(((((((((((geez)))))))))))!!...Yes, I have a big problem with porn!! Everything that ahppened to me as a child was surrounded by it. I have always known what it was, and where it was kept in the house.
I read something online not long ago. It said that pornography is to a SA victim as giving an African American KKK literature or a concentration camp survivor Nazi propaganda. I whole heartedly agree.
It triggers me and makes me feel ill and makes me put my husband in the same grp with the predators and pigs of the world. It is a hard thing to overcome.
I do talk to my husband when it comes up. He seldom sees anything wrong with it, but after our last talk it has been better. I did not try to be "polite" in our last discussion, I told him what I had read adn exactly how it makes me feel. I was very angry. Very hurt & sick at my stomach.
I hope you and your husband can find a common ground so that you can heal....hugz..

....the axe soon forgets, but the tree remembers forever... (Chinese fortune cookie)
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Thanks for this!