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Member Since May 2010
Location: Iowa
Posts: 342
Default Sep 24, 2010 at 12:29 PM
I'm sorry things went the way they did.. I know how discouraging that is.

I don't want to sound alarmist, but that is an abusive stance for him to take. to say 'I find this acceptable and see nothing wrong with it, so you can just deal with it'. That's not ok.

If, like me, you have a hard time verbalizing your feelings and opinions when someone is talking down to you that way, perhaps you can write him a letter/email? I do that often with my husband because I have a tendency to be VERY sensitive to the way he talks to me and usually end up just shutting up and stuffing my feelings for the sake of keeping the peace and keeping him happy. There's nothing wrong with finding an alternate approach if you don't feel like he is willing to hear you out in a discussion.

It is OK for you to stand up for YOU and your feelings!


wife. mom. swimmer. writer.
trying to live life in spite of depression, dissociation, and PTSD.
member of a club that no one wants to join...
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Thanks for this!