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Old Oct 29, 2010, 06:09 AM
beadlady29-old's Avatar
beadlady29-old beadlady29-old is offline
Member Since: Apr 2008
Location: between a rock and a hard place
Posts: 1,375
Looking far workbook(s) related to DID/PTSD to use in conjuctoin with cbt therapy wiht T that could help beads express some of the garbage that was buried so long ago adn the monster that sleeps under her bed wont let us talk about.Still stuck in that 'dont wanna no what the others no because what i no is bad enuf' rut after like 4 years of therapyy far this. So iffen anyone knows of any, could you please post them hear aRE send ta beads in PM, along with any links that describe them at all?
mary sue & all



come visit my photo albums and see some pictures of mary's beadwork

Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them."
~ Hugh Miller