Ok, I had a social security disability hearing on Friday and the necessary paperwork was not sent by my county mental health agency so the hearing has been postponed until I have an evaluation by a social security employed psychiatrist. So I will not be getting my social security anytime soon. My unemployment runs out the first week of December (I will max out at 99 weeks). And finally, I have to move out of my house by December 31st. My landlord is selling the house I have lived in for 16 years. I have no income and cannot afford to get an apartment and have no where to go.
Here's the odd thing: I could care less. I am not upset about all that has happened and what is going to happen by losing my home. Could this be the start of a manic epsoide or is it that my medication is working that well? I am confused about this. Anyone have any feedback on this?
Thanks for replying