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Member Since Oct 2010
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Default Nov 23, 2010 at 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by onthemove View Post
I hear my mobile phone ringing or vibrating when it isn't. I can sometimes hear my alarm going off when it isn't.

Yeah, I get 'corner of my eye' hallucinations and at the same time I get a feeling that something else is there in the room with me, standing over my shoulder. I know it's not real, but it does freak me out sometimes as it happens so unexpectedly.
I too hear or feel my phone vibrate all the time, worse yet in the shower on a constant EVERY day cuz I shower EVERY day someone touching me I know I scream I have my house alarm on all my doors locked I am the only one locked in the house and the bathroom doors are locked!!!??? WTH??? So OH I don't believe in ghost or nothing either. So I mean it freaks the heck out of me? Then I too see things out the corner of my eye's shadows of PEOPLE and HEAR like my kids oh my gosh I have said don't talk back to me under your breathe *I have 3 kids* they all happened to be in the room when I thought, THOUGHT for SURE my son was saying stuff to me I was so POSITIVE arg, however he who is 16 was like, "mom what are you talking about", OMG....I stood there and was fighting with him how I heard him talking and cursing at me and couldn't believe it this and that....Then the other two girls 12, and 9 were like "mom he didn't say anything"!!!!OMG...I just walked out of the room chilled to the very core I was so scared....I couldn't even resurface until very much later to talk to my kids about it...I do have DID, however that is nothing like the auditory voices that are outside the head that are not very NICE Ugh.....anti-psychotic don't work for me they make everything worse eekkk
Best to u all Kalisha

the past is my future. the pain is my emotion that is my prison. what I feel is as confusing as to why I feel it?
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