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Grand Magnate
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Default Nov 25, 2010 at 02:14 AM

I hope that you will keep posting, even if you decide to end therapy with this T. You are still welcome here, always.

I absolutely understand how the therapeutic relationship can be so enormously painful. I have gone through SUCH emotion misery over various aspects of my relationship with my T. Like Melba, I find that my biggest, most painful reactions come from the deep, core wounds from early childhood, and I tend to act out of that childlike mind at those times. It is hard if not impossible to remember my DBT skills when I'm acting from the emotion mind of a young girl.

Anyway, please feel free to post here about any and everything you want to. You don't have to stay away when you're blue, you don't have to keep your posts more "positive", you don't have to censor yourself. At all. REALLY.

She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went.
"It's easier to feel the sunlight without them," she said.
~Brian Andreas
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