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Default Jan 08, 2011 at 03:35 PM
Hi desperate ~ Yes, you want to escape reality and Weed helps you do it -- but how long is that going to work for you? How long before you're going to need something "better?"

It's my opinion, and others' too, that weed is just a stepping stone to other, stronger drugs - drugs that ARE addictive. Drugs that WILL take you out of reality, but will also kill you. I certainly don't want to read on here of your death! This is no game we're playing. We're talking about life here.

Sure, life can be difficult at times, but why should YOU have to escape and everyone else has to face it? Do you think EVERYONE should be on weed? NO. We can't have the whole world on weed -- someone has to be responsible. Please get off the weed. You're just looking for trouble and you'll find it soon.

Best of luck. Lee
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Thanks for this!