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Member Since Mar 2010
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Default Feb 02, 2011 at 07:43 AM
I have been pondering this question and have also spoken to my T about it. I haven't told any bosses at work - only a few friends and my closest colleague.
Yes, I have days where I really battle - but I guess that's when we are expected to take a day's sick leave; not that I have.

I am too scared to disclose and have it blow up in my face.

"I'd rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed. Robert H. Schuller"

Current dx: Bipolar Disorder Unspecified

Current Meds: Epitec (Lamotrigine) 300mg, Solian 50mg, Seroquel 25mg PRN, Metformin 500mg, Klonopin prn
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