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Member Since Dec 2007
Posts: 543
Default Feb 02, 2011 at 10:02 AM
Here's two ideas:

1. When you see him, bring a list of the points you want to bring up, and a list of your concerns. This will help make sure that your concerns are addressed, and that the session doesn't get off track.

2. Take notes of his responses. If you read this back to him, during the session, this will help make sure you are understanding him correctly, and it will also give you a record to look over later.

I do this in stressful situations, because I tend to get distracted/distanced/fuzzy-minded very easily, and this helps me stay focused and present, and it also helps me keep the meetings focused on getting my answers (and understanding them.) For me, writing things down is very very helpful.

Good luck.
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Thanks for this!
gelfling, mixedup_emotions