I have some days when I don't want to poke my head out of bed, but my dogs nuzzle their nose into my face & push around my hand to make me pet them.
When I first left my husband & moved away to where I didn't know anyone, it really took a lot of pushing to get me out of my house, but little at a time, I started getting more involved in the community & found some of the most wonderful friends. It's made such a difference in my life. The only thing that would get me out of my house before was my new foal that was born & the need to care for her......now I feel like a whole new person.......time & realizing out that my marriage was something that I needed to get out of. My husband was a nice person but was so irresponsible with everything that mattered in making a life together, my only choice was to leave & end up taking care of myself....which forced me to have to get out to take care of myself, then it grew into being able to go out for more & more things & get more & more involved in the horse things & other things in the community along with a church that actually accepted me as part of their family.......wow, what a difference it's made to care about others also has brought me out of myself & my little world that I really didn't want to come out of before.