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Default Jan 01, 2006 at 01:18 PM
In the book Managing Stress through Art there is an exercise called containment box. This helps me alot when I get like this.

The basics of it is get drawing materials of your choice and draw the type of containment box, locks and setting you think you need to contain the out of control feelings that will allow you to be able to walk away from that feeling.

I took that exercise and instead of drawing it I made it. I took a shoe box and top and covered it in construction paper. I chose brown for wood and or soil for burying it. then inside I divided it into two sections one larger than the other by folding and glueing construction paper like a dividing wall. In the smaller section I keep a pen, marker, pencil, red crayon, and a black crayon and post it sized pads of paper.

Then when I get like this I go to the box and write one word per piece of paper and placing them as is, crumbled ripped whatever in the larger section the I put the top on and literally walk away from the box and go for a walk or bike ride.Maybe this can help you too. take care. and hang in there.
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