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Default Apr 02, 2011 at 06:56 PM
Unfortunately, there is a huge stigma attached to STD's and getting diagnosed with something is devastating.

I was diagnosed with Herpes2 (genital) a little over a year ago. I assumed I got it from my friend with benefits who I'd been having sex with for about 6 months, but like you said, the virus can lay dormant for years so there's really no way to tell who you got it from unless ALL your previous sexual partners are tested.

It was very hard for me to handle emotionally after my diagnosis and I shyed away from dating because of it. If the word "herpes" was even brought up in conversation, I got nervous...

BUT I've also done a lot of talking to my doctor and a lot of research online. There is a ton of support online for people who have lifelong std's to deal with and ultimately, it is something you can deal with and live a happy life with including with your partner.

As long as you take the daily antivirals, you should be okay. If your relationship does not work out and you move on with somene else, be sure to practice safe sex and be open and honest. As soon as you realize the stigma can actually be worse than the viruses you have, you'll be fine.
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