Thread: powers??
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Member Since Mar 2011
Posts: 14
Default Apr 13, 2011 at 07:52 PM
i dont know i think its more than psychosis . . i really do . . i sometimes feel things around me and inside me . . one time a demon pinned me to my bed . . i couldnt scream or breath for a very very long time . . and if that wasnt supernatural then i would be dead .. even if ur mind is doing these thigns to you: you would still have to breath right?? . . i wish it was as simple to just say its all in my head and i have the power to stop it . . but what if I cant . . what if im just sensitive to paranormal beings and that its for a reason?? . . if you think about it: a doctor would tell me im mentally ill and this is why its happening . . a priest would think that im in need of an excorsism (well maybe not s extreme) . . but that thses entities are more than just a chemical imbalance . .
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