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Default Apr 25, 2011 at 03:26 PM
Hi BleedingAngel, Dissociation is actually one of the nine criteria used to diagnose BPD (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual DSM: #9. transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms). I think that people who have BPD often get emotionally overwhelmed. I know that when I am extremely stressed, I often don't remember what people have said to me or what I've said in response. I've had entire therapy sessions that I've dissociated away what was said between my therapist and myself. I think the only one who can tell if you have a dissociative disorder, along with BPD, is your therapist. Dissociation exists on a continum, meaning that we all dissociate to some degree and some more than others. Some people think that if they have a dissociative disorder then it means that they don't have BPD. In actuality, many of the experts believe that probably 70% of those diagnosed as having a dissociative disorder (DID or DDNOS) can also be diagnosed as having BPD. I sugges that you have a very frank talk with your therapist about this and discuss with him/her your concerns, especially about memory lapses. Good luck!
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