Thread: Adult children
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Angry May 16, 2011 at 11:39 AM
AHHHHHHH! I love my kids but I would love to strangle my daughter right now!

I am under a great deal of stress. She recently graduated from college, my twins are graduating from HS in a few days, and the younger is leaving for the military in a few weeks. There has been nothing but one road block after another for their party. Work has been extremely stressful to add icing to the cake.

But anyway there have been some growing pains with my daughter. The original “plan” was that she was going to work her regular summer job while putting in applications in her job field; perhaps working part-time or volunteering to get post graduation experience.

It was the perfect plan. Even if she did not get a job in her field right away her summer job would pay her enough to live comfortably for 6 – 9 months without worrying about money. The friend she planned on sharing an apartment with had a roommate until September. Perfect!

First problem, roommate moved out on the 1st instead. Second problem she was immediately offered a part-time job in her field. The problem is that the job is an hour away (coincidentally in the same town she wants to live ). She is bound and determined to move in with her friend and make it work with the part-time job. I have complete confidence in her. I know she’ll get a job working at a fast-food place or something to make ends meet if that is what she has to do. Her father is irritated. She came up with the original plan. He got her the summer job, and is just plain worried that she’s making things harder on herself than they have to be.

I mediated between the two of them all day yesterday. I tried to make him see that whether he likes it or not his baby is a grown adult and the decisions she makes are hers. She has the right to make her own mistakes and our job now is to be as supportive as possible.

TODAY she called me and said she lost her client because she couldn’t pass her physical. INSTANT stress bomb! What? Why? How? She was KIDDING! It came to her supervisor’s attention over the weekend that the client was having transference issues with female therapists. So they offered her a full time job in the crisis center instead.

She has her father’s sense of humor! I am not amused! She could have simply called and said "Yea! I got a full time job!"

I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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