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Member Since May 2011
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Default May 16, 2011 at 08:57 PM
I'm not diagnosed, but I've answered tons of tests online and they all have the same result, that I'm bipolar. I'm worried cause I've noticed it just gets worse, like, my last manic episode (supposing it was one) was talking a lot and people had a hard time keeping up, racing thoughts, hyperactivity, blah blah, it was more like hypo manic. But the one I'm currently going through, it's pretty much like that but now I'm so irritable, and it sucks cause I've been causing problems at home like fighting basically everyday. Oh, and I've also been up most of the night, I barely get to sleep 3 hours, and I'm not sure if it's also a symptom, but I'm being too paranoid by everything, including this. I dunno what I should do, how can I seek help? Should I even seek help or this is just a normal up in someone's life that's gonna go away?
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