Originally Posted by DocJohn
Other than Psych Central, what are your favorite or top resources you visit regularly for this disorder or issue? Please reply to this thread and list a few of what you consider the best of the best online today.
Thank you!
Doctor John this is the first time I have searched out ADHD as maybe being the source of my problems, My local docter thinks that I just need need to tuffin up and told me that he'd had enough of me and to find someone else so I am looking for another local doctor who may be able to help,To be honest I cant play this game any more,Ive been in mental hospitals and treated with a lot of drus from Nardil etc, through 2 marriages and several relationships, I have no friends, I dont like being arround people, not even animals. I have conquired the angery side of me some years ago.I dont feel love or hate just empty doing what I think I should do for the situation.I feel anxious, frustration, aggitation,but try hard to not let it show. the only time I feel some emotion is if I have a drink and If I drink a lot I become the opposite all soft and nothing wories me to the point of becoming Manic.I genually need help, I assure you this is not a scam
Stephen Johnston