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Member Since May 2011
Location: Townville, Australia
Posts: 3
Default May 19, 2011 at 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by DocJohn View Post
Other than Psych Central, what are your favorite or top resources you visit regularly for this disorder or issue? Please reply to this thread and list a few of what you consider the best of the best online today.

Thank you!
I have suffered from anxiety disorder ever since I can remember, I hid my inability to learn from vocal or reading by cheating or sneaking around trying to work it out myself, mainly out of pride or shame and Have lived my life this way up untill the last 5 yrs. I was kicked out of home when I was 15 and had to make my own way.I had A nervious braekdown at the age of 24 and was diagnosed as Noeuroasthanic, Nuerotic personality disorder, Borderline scytso,and bipolar, which my Father and Grandfather were also diognosed with and was place on a pension in 1985.I have an extreme anxiety disorder 24/7.I found out through memory flashbacks etc that I was malested by both male and female, age 7-10. So at the moment I have come to a conclusion that may be it is all built arround ADHD so I am searching this out.At the moment my medications are 4mlg Karma, 1800mlg Nuronton and 120mlg of cymbalta dayly, but It only stops me from shaking, my nervious system is haddit.I have seen several phychitrists and had much councelling
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