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Default May 22, 2011 at 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Evening View Post
Ive been planning to go through it later for about 6 years! Ha ha A lot of my stuff is still in boxes from when I moved here, I had some of it stored in a room outside but the roof flooded and I had to get rid of it all. Plus I had boxes in the spare room inside, and stuff crammed into the cupboards in my bedroom and linen cupboard, both of which are floor to ceiling. I have got everything out of the boxes and cupboards onto the floor into a pile, and am sorting what Ill keep and what I wont, then organising the rest nicely. Its just hard to do that with some stuff when I dont have a lot of nice boxes or many drawers or shelves, I dont want to stick it all back in a box and put it in the cupboard.
you sound just like me. When i moved in w/ my husband, I threw all of our extra stuff in our spare room and the basement.
Well first, the basement flooded - nothing teaches you to throw stuff out like a flood.
then I needed to convert our spare room into an office, so that room is actually liveable now - but i still have trouble throwing stuff away - i still have 2 bags of clothes that are in the "get rid of' pile that I just haven't gotten around to getting rid of and it's over 2 months!

i'm at the point where if it hasn't been used, or touched in 6 months it's garbage. If I haven't seen my husband ever wear it I throw it out behind his back (he hasn't noticed it yet and it's been a couple of years).

I have no idea how people have such nice clean, seamingly empty homes - if anyone wants to clue us in - that would be great!
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