When we don't eat enough each day (minimum 1200 cal for women, it's more for men) the body STORES everything it takes in, as it doesn't know when it will get more fuel. (Goes into starvation mode.)
I eat one meal a day usually, but eat it in 2 portions... hours apart.
Recently I've added oatmeal and walnuts for heart health.
You need to drink lots of water...that is what gets rid of water weight (I know, it sounds backwards...but easy to find out if it's water weight..)
I know some ppl only eat once a day.. but that's a fast food meal..and it's loaded with fat! (like 60 gms of fat in a whopper or such?)
Not feeling hunger is a symptom... try some of the member's suggestions here, and if nothing helps, get a physical. TC, glad you were able to finally ask!