I feel naked in front of my T. I just figured I had to tell to get better. Once undressed it becomes much easier. I am struggling with infertility and I know I will not have any children. I told her last week that I am grieving the death of my child and was ashamed because I did not have a child that died. She called it disinfranchised grief and it was normal. Then she shared something personal with me and I was shocked. I shared and did not fall apart. My perception is improving and sharing that secret was healing. If I did not get undressed I would be stuck right where I was. Suffering alone was not working for me after 4 years of trying to get pregnant. I am still hurting but maybe she can help me with some resources or support. Now the adoption process is digging up my past. So I need to learn to share with the adoption social workers. I am glad people are trained to listen to all this bad stuff. Peace be with you.