Thread: He kicked him..
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Default Jul 04, 2011 at 10:07 AM
What is your back up plan if she doesn't believe you? I hope this doesn't happen to you.

What is your back up plan if she confronts the boyfriend and he later turns on you when you are alone? I hope this doesn't happen to you.

Has she witnessed your boyfriend kicking your dog? If she hasn't reacted, then she may not react to you when you tell her what has been going on behind her back and she may deny your reality. I hope this doesn't happen to you.

You need to think about what may happen after you confront your mother with this and things don't go the way you expected them to go. It could blow up in your face and you need to be prepared for this. Once you tell your mother, it's out of your hands and so is the control of the outcome.

Originally Posted by BeyondTheEnd View Post
Ok I think I know what I'm going to do. On the 7th I'm going to confront my mother when we're alone and tell her he molested me when I was younger. She will not tolerate child abuse. So I'll let her make the decisions from there. Matt's the only reason why I'm doing this. I can stand me getting hurt but not him getting hurt because of me.

It's just going through with my plan that's going to be difficult.
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Thanks for this!