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Unhappy Jul 15, 2011 at 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by BlessedRhiannon View Post
I'm trying to work through something my T said to me in session yesterday. I need to journal about it and really figure out why it bothers me so much, but I thought maybe I could bounce it off of you all as well.

I was telling my T how frustrated I am that having a 3 week break due to our vacations made me pull away from her. I was telling her that it bothers me that before the break I actually felt comfortable talking to her, and that I really wasn't experiencing much anxiety before sessions. Now, I am struggling to talk to her, and the anxiety before sessions is super, super high.

I can't remember her exact wording, but she said something like she understood and that it showed that I had started to depend on our relationship.

I don't want to depend on a relationship with my T! I told her that. I told her I don't like depending on anyone but myself. She kinda smiled and asked me how that was working for me. I told her "hush, I know it's unrealistic, let me have my illusion for a minute, okay?" We joked about it, because I fully recognize that there are times I do have to depend on others for things. My problem isn't really with depending on others, it's depending on T. It makes me makes me feel "broken" to think that I do rely on this relationship to some extent and that it upsets me when the relationship is strained in some way.

I'm still trying to figure this out for myself. I kinda want to email T, but I think maybe I'll just wait and bring it up in session. She won't see an email now until Monday, since she doesn't check on weekends. It's not urgent and I'm not sure I can really articulate what I'm feeling in email anyway. Maybe I'll just send her a "head's up" email.

Am I making any sense here? Does anyone understand why this is such a big deal for me? I'm so used to being independant. I can ask people for help when I really need it, but something about relying on my relationship with T bothers me more than having to rely on other relationships.
This post made me tear up....someone else is experiencing the same thing as me...someone understands...

Therapy is getting really expensive and so I cut back to every other week. I thought no big deal...I can take care of myself...just like I always have...ughh....I miss T. Then i get frustrated with myself for allowing myself to "depend" on T. I don't like to depend on anyone for anything but I know it doesn't work for me but I wish I felt safe enough to depend on the relationships I do have like my H. and family...

It's so hard to depend on T. because they know so much about you and you are so vulnerable with them...(which I know I don't let myself be with others in my life)....

It is very hard...I don't understand how this whole therapy dependence process all works and since I like to "control" myself and what happens to me...I'm not likely to just go with it but fight it the whole way....

Its painful and frutrating...
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Thanks for this!
BlessedRhiannon, Hope-Full, skysblue