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Default Aug 23, 2011 at 11:53 AM
I don't know your history since I'm new here, but it sounds like you've got an awful lot going on right now. Loss of a friend, loss of a pet, etc. - any one of these would be difficult, but all at once can feel overwhelming. I just hate it when things pile up like that, because I start thinking that I can't handle it, it's too much, etc. But somehow ... I survive.

I think stress like you have right now is almost like having a wound or an illness - we are not operating at 100% and we need extra care to get through it. Please take care of yourself and believe in your own value. Sleep is good! Give yourself a break whenever you can, and however you can. Maybe some chocolate????? Know that someday you'll look back and say, "Y'know, 2011 was just an incredibly crappy year!!!!"

You have friends who are rooting for you here, and a wonderful T. You can do this, and you will come out the other side - back to the blue sky - and be stronger for it.
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