</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
justsignmeupalready said:
dude, you said you smoke pot alot? I dint read all of the posts, but I used to smoke a lot of pot nd that could be why your "missing" some feelings and then feeling bad about it later, and the reason for some of the other things..People say its only pot, but if your stoned a lot it has an effect on many areas which you may not realize...I was a major pothead for years and was prettty much like you describe yourself, but I was too young and stoned to realize it...and I would wager a hundred bucks you either didnt really kill the hamster or that it was an accident....
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most of the symptoms took place before i started smoking pot. and about the hampster, i dont know. i have a faint memory of being rough with it. apparently i crushed it with a wooden block. doesen't sound like it was an accident. kind of disturbing.i was only three, but still.
anyway im not really worried that i have this anymore. and i wasn't just getting the idea from the test, i went through a symptom checklist with my little sister, and almost every one applied to me. i can get pretty emotional sometimes, which is why i dont really think i have it..like today in class we watched a WWII re-enactment and i almost started crying. i definatly have some of the trates, but im not going to worry about it.