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Sep 05, 2011 at 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by hankster
My gp tried at one point to take me OFF my beta blocker and try something else, but it just didn't work - I walked up the flight of stairs to my flat and my heart wouldn't stop beating (not in a good way!). I looked it up when Indie mentioned what she was on, I think it is different, one is "specific" one isn't, some business like that.
I did notice that the beta-blocker will raise triglycerides, because my gp has been chewing me out about that, and I thought I had been eating less! So I googled an antidote to those, and found l-carnitine, which is basically beef, and I do think I feel better when I eat meat, so I will try to add that to my diet and see if it helps. T (of the perfect body) says he uses protein powders.
Hi, hankster, just a couple of comments on things you've said. My doc tells me that beta-blockers are extra good for keeping your pulse down, which is one of his aims for me. I take enough of them now so that I have a problem with it going too low, down in the fifties and forties. And I have the consequent triglyceride problem too. So when my cardio wanted me to go on a specific med to reduce triglycerides, I checked it out, didn't like the downside and told him no, I wouldn't. So he told me to take 3,000 mg per day of Omega 3 fish oil. Which I've done religiously. Now I have to go be tested to find out if it's working.
Does T tell you that protein powders will reduce triglycerides? Take care!
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