I have an exercise bike but the seat kills my...uh...well, seat.
So I haven't been able to use it. However, I did get a new workout DVD that I just love (which is totally not me). I look forward to doing it each night.
As far as the M&Ms...6 a day isn't the end of the world and honestly I wouldn't find them that big a deal (hmmm...maybe thats how I got this way lol). Maybe try and have them every other day and then every 2 days or something like that. Go off them slowly. According to the doctor that created the South Beach diet, if you can go without sweets (i.e. chocolate) for 2 weeks your cravings for the stuff goes down. For me, I find that very true.
If your body won't lose any more weight maybe its as small as it's going to get and still be healthy. I don't know. Maybe ask a doctor.