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Confused Sep 14, 2011 at 04:31 PM
I have been on ESA (incapacity benefit) since December, but now, despite them still receiving sick notes from my doctors, they have sent me a booklet to fill out to assess whether I am indeed unfit for work.

Trouble is, the booklet focuses on physical and mental disability (with questions like 'can you work something complicated like a washing machine?') with only a small mention of anxiety related problems, and nothing at all about depression. I feel that answering the posed questions honestly will not truly reflect my mental state or lack of ability to work.

There's a chance that they will request to see me 'face to face' to further investigate. I don't know what this involves.

I don't feel ready to go back to work. With the job market the way it is it is very doubtful I could get a job in my field -- even if I was capable right now -- and this is why I had stuck it out in an unrewarding job for so long (something that at least contributed to my current mental state, as it was a very negative place to be, long story.) If I could have coped carrying on doing unskilled work I would have stayed where I was -- I had everything to lose by leaving that job: my independence, my own apartment... my friends -- but I just couldn't cope with it anymore. The pressure to keep up an act. To perform. I was having panic attacks every morning on my way to work, panic attacks in the canteen at lunch times, bursting into tears all the time, and cutting myself in my office. All for what was pretty much minimum wage. There are different types of work pressure...

I fear that if they sign me off the 'sick' and put me on jobseekers, that I'll be forced to apply/go into work I don't want to do. I can't face being in that position again.

I can barely function right now, let alone do a 9-5. Even the thought of part-time work terrifies me.

I've worked hard for over a decade (as well as going through further and higher education.) I'm not lazy, I am sick - but I don't know how/if I can prove this.

Has anyone else had to fill in these forms? Did you get any references or anything from your doctors (besides sick notes) or from your therapist to back you up? Did you have to go to a face-to-face meeting? What happened?

Responses, as always, much appreciated xx
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